Saturday, November 10, 2012
New York, New York...please FIRE BLOOMBERG!
You do not need MICHAEL BLOOMBERG.
He's had a ban on outside donations of food to city shelters for the homeless since March 2012 (to monitor salt, fat, and fiber content)...and hasn't *rescinded* said ban in the wake of Hurricane Sandy the Superstorm.
He wants to promote forcing hospitals to monitor the use of baby formula by new mothers.
He has banned the sale of soft drinks above 16 oz. (Okay, that last one is petty. But so is Mikey.)
This man is a control freak and must be deprived of his drug of choice (power). I'm living here, in North Charleston, SC...but I fear this man in New York City, NY. (I have family living there, by the way.)
If New Yorkers don't elect someone other than Michael Bloomberg for NYC's mayor when his term is up, you really will have a *hell* of a town.
= = =
Incidentally: congratulations to President Obama on his victory. I didn't want him to win, but I couldn't support Romney either, so I sat this presidential election out.
CONGRESS: get to fucking work. NOW.
That's all I have for this year.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Remember this old post?
However, all I really my paystub! Behold:It appears that Newt Gingrich is trying to plug it again. Unfortunately, due to the current economic crisis that started in 2007-2008 (during the Bush Administration), no one's going to give this smart and overdue idea a chance.(acsound2011: paystub truncated for length)
[above: my paystub, doctored for my protection. highlighted is my FICA amount per pay period, and my YTD FICA as of 11/16/04.]The YTD FICA is what I’ll use for my calculations. That would be $1373.45 as of November 16, 2004. [that, BTW, represents 22 pay periods in 11 months.]
I’m going to compare SSA’s 1% return to the “in excess of 3%” return the evil PRIVATIZATION could provide. [Let’s say...3.2%.]
1% of $1373.45 = 13.7345 ~ $13.74
3.2% of $1373.45 = 43.9504 ~ $43.95
Now, I’ll find out how much compound interest will accrue between my two principal amounts [FICA & PRVT] over a period of 20 years:
13.74 x 20(1.01)
13.74 x 20.20 = 277.548 ~ $277.55
43.95 x 20(1.032)
43.95 x 20.64 = 907.128 ~ $907.13
If my arithmetic serves me right, $277.55 is less than $907.13; or another way, $907.13 is greater than $277.55.
I’m going to calculate the difference betwixt the two:
$907.13 - $277.55 = $629.58
If I wanted to be really cynical and snarky, I'd argue that I'm just cutting out the taxpayer-funded middlemen (politicians) and giving my money directly to our "corporate rulers". At least I have the option to tell corporations "no".
Look at my figures again. If my math is wrong, please let me know. That $629.58 difference is a nice chunk of change.
Just sayin'....
~ acsound
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Here's a video from a guy I don't always agree with.
I happen to agree with him (Amazing Atheist/Distressed Watcher) on that point.
My take on it is this: an individual has the right to their opinions, beliefs, etc.--even if they're wrong. :D
Seriously, though: it's not a crime to be wrong, ignorant, or misinformed. If it were, this entire country would be a massive prison camp. No one's right all the time. No one has all the answers.
For example, let's pick something wrong and fatal, like: "childhood vaccination causes autism". This conclusion is horribly wrong. However, here's a thought exercise: What if Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy are right--that vaccines can wreck your kid's brain and cause autism?
My question here is this: So what? Is autism really so bad--so horrible--that you'd rather risk bringing back polio and smallpox?
Take a good, hard look at this smallpox image, from the link above:

This killed entire populations for centuries. We as a species worked hard, over the course of two centuries, to cure it. We eradicated smallpox for a reason. We want polio gone, and thanks to vaccination, polio soon will join smallpox in the bin of viruses that can't maim and kill us anymore.
We need vaccines.
Now, to autism.
Here's my question: Autism, which has killed no one, or a pair of diseases that wiped out entire populations?
I'd rather confront the likes of Bill Maher with this question, rather than ban him from speaking. Being offended by the lethal, industrial-grade stupidity he spews is a small price to pay.
(The tl; dr version: I'd rather counter something offensive than ban it, if it's all the same to you. Oh, and: autism may suck, but polio sucks harder and can kill people.)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I do sense an increased amount of dread for my country's future.
To the Democrats: your political wad was blown here. The Republicans will have the White House in 2016 at the latest. I sincerely recommend that if you want to slow the hemmoraging, and you want a charismatic leader--and you want my vote...
...quit picking losers!
In 2000, you gave us Al Gore. As Clinton's VP, he was the boring, robotic blowhard. Now he's the unhinged eco-nut blowhard.
In 2004, you pretty much ensured that President Bush would win reelection. (I miss saying that, and within 12 months, so will the fools who voted Obama--let alone the rational people who wanted H. Clinton or J. McCain in the hot seat.) You put up a known Vietnam-era traitor, who was also a boring, elitist blowhard. The sad part is: aside from Obama (back then an unknown but charismatic junior Senator who was *just* elected), Kerry was the best you had. Howard Dean meltdowns aren't nice. Worse, Kerry picked for his VP...a smarmy tort lawyer. ("We have better hair." "I don't want Wade's hairbrush.")
Well, you finally won in both ways. Bush is gone (in 2009, as I predicted in RL), and a Democrat is in the Oval Office for the first time since January 19, 2001.
In all earnestness: the next time you guys want a Democrat in the White House, guess what? Magic Johnson's available! If Wikipedia's correct, he's a Democrat.
He's also a successful businessman, a faithful activist for AIDS research, and an all-around classy guy--much like the last Republican candidate, Senator J. Sidney McCain III.
= = =
A good number of President Obama's endorsers were more qualified for the job than he was. All of them struggled to be the best they could be in their fields: Magic, basketball, Oprah, her talk show; and P. Diddy, his rap career and clothing line. All of them accomplished something in life. Obama's talent...was getting elected to public office.
That, and having a couple of really cute kids. He will defend and honor his wife amid controversy. This isn't praise, though--a man is supposed to do that; thus, I still don't believe that he was the One America was waiting for.
As a "black person", I know we could have done better--even with that pitiful list of celebrities above. (I'll even throw in freakin' Kanye West, the no-talent hack; he managed to trick teenagers into thinking he was a rap artist....)
As an American--a citizen of the US--I think that we should have elected McCain; he was the right man for the job. Dr. King's rolling in his grave.
Okay; Obama-venting is done.
= = =
Senator Mac apparently didn't want the job badly enough. The problem was that we didn't drag him over the finish line kicking and screaming.
For the uber-conservatives: the man was kind enough to line up his replacement--a woman who held your beliefs. The fact that she sounded like Bobby Generic's mom was a plus in my book.
For the liberals: she would never have shoved her beliefs down your throats--your lifestyles were safe.
In any event, Sarah Palin was a damn sight better than the Presidential candidates running in the 2008 cycle. And for you Democrats, socialists and assorted communists who sneer at her "country-bumpkin" attitude: please note that Obama was the best you had this cycle, and it took you three tries to get him--after ALGORE and Kerry.
As for Palin not being VP material: Democrats, you tried to foist John Edwards on us. Twice. And who do we have for our current VP? Joe. Biden. The man who was in Congress longer than Senator McCain.
Yet you have the remarkable gall to crack wise about Sarah Palin, who has accomplished something in life.
Next time (Rudy Giuliani voice): Call Magic Johnson!
= = =
Yet, the above is to be expected when we continue to hold to one of the stupidest ideas ever conceived: "Everyone's a winner."
Recently, a high school basketball coach in Dallas, TX was fired for insubordination. The reason for that insubordination? He coached a girl's basketball team...and that team played won a basketball game 100-0.
No illicit dogfighting rings. No drugs or steroid usage. The girls' basketball team was just too damn good. Shame on the team for winning. Shame on the team's coaches for encouraging the team to win.
How dare that coach do his job? The same job, by the way, that colleges and professional sports clubs pay people millions of dollars a year to do: lead a team of athletes to victory.
Yet, everyone's a winner.
Bah. I'm waiting for 2012.
~ acsound
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I was asked to drive a city bus. My family was surprised, but otherwise supportive. Somehow, I got behind the wheel and was driving along Rivers Avenue. I did rather well until near the Whipper Barony area (across from Burger King). I had started speeding, only to cause the bus to careen off Rivers and land somewhere. I exited the bus and--using a lever--flipped the bus in an attempt to get it on its wheels; I only succeeded in turning the bus upside-down.
Miraculously, no one was hurt--somehow the commuter bus had seatbelts on it. Passengers hung upside-down (due to the above-mentioned state of the bus). No one was angry, though there was some fun-poking at my expense. A woman volunteered to drive the bus on Monday, and I was to drive again on Tuesday.
Surreal. No one asked--once--about my driver's license (which I don't currently have), about my CDL, or even if I was a bus driver.
Below is my pitiful interpretation.
We elected one of the most unqualified inviduals in the United States to be our President. His greatest skill is being elected to public office, then doing nothing except campaigning for higher public office.
Yet, somehow, we'll be okay in spite of our own stupidity. We may even re-elect the idiot, and we'll still be fine.
Someone smarter and wiser than us installed seatbelts.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A link to TV Tropes to elaborate, but here's the Q & D: It's in reference to the voice actor behind the iconic leader of the Autobots, Peter Cullen; and a pun on Cu Cuchlain, the hero of Irish/Celtic folklore. The idea is of a single person being the DEALMAKER when an iffy, controversial idea/person is being bandied about. In Mr. Cullen's case, he was the DEALMAKER for the Transformers 2007 movie for G1 fans as he reprised his role: Optimus Prime. (Not for me, though I like Optimus and Mr. Cullen's work as an actor overall. Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, is voiced by either Frank Welker(my vote) or David Kaye!)
In the case of US presidential election, the DEALMAKER for conservatives unhappy with Senator McCain is...
. . . Sarah Palin!
Senator Obama was to have his post-anointment bounce in the polls, only to be blindsided by the apotheosis of every 80s girl's dream--denied once already by Senator Clinton's own party.
I'm so giddy that there's only one way for an 80s kid for me to celebrate:
The name "Sarah", in Hebrew, means "princess"; hence the choice of one of America's SHOJO ACTION HEROES! (Although thanks to Overstream, I'm able to--to quote Emeril Lagasse--KICK IT UP a notch with subtitles!)
Now this is the hope we've all been waiting for: a break from Senator Obama. Now there is real change we really can believe in.
Yes. We can. (It really, really is a good slogan--and it's time we Americans take it back.)
= = =
And to the sad troglodytes who think a busy working mother can't handle a "disabled" child...
Not only that, but life will go on without any of you.