CRAYONS, and shades of gray.
The complex stems from the simple. It did not simply come about.
Reason demands it.
Take, say, this drawing:

The above is the end result of a series of circles and lines drawn on an ADESSO tablet in a free raster graphics editor.
Now, let's apply this bit of reasoning to clitorectomies.
There is good. There is evil. There is black. There is white. These are the axioms, the slabs of bedrock on which the ephmeral "shades of grey" can stand.
Before an artist can use shades of grey, he has to know his black value and his white value. Otherwise, shading is inconsistent and spotty.
If it's this way with something simple like pencil drawing, then it's the same way with decisions as to which is black versus which is white. In order to have subtle gradations, we first need absolutes.
Otherwise, we're wasting our time. With Transformers, and civilization, and everything that makes human life worthwhile.
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