Friday, July 02, 2004

Heaven help me. It’s been a long time since I blogged.

Again: Islam is EVIL. EVIL. Togashi-villain VILE. Emperor Palpitine would contribute his forces to defeat this ideology of cowardice and cruelty.

[sarcasm mode] But it seems that Dubyatron and Ariel are the great existential threat to the Earth. [end sarcasm]

All this needs is Peter Cullen to explain the situation with a Joe Boyd Vigil hook as BGM.

Better yet, just have Pete recite the opening chatter for Voltron: DOTU with a few minor edits.


PC: From days of long ago, from untold reaches across history, comes a legend: The United States of America. A mighty nation, loved by good--feared by evil.

[et cetera....]

So the title of this piece is: The 1980s Strike Back, or Voltron is Needed Once More.

The world of animation seems so simple. See scumbags doing scumbaggy things, call scummies out, defeat them at every turn. Ah, but the cartoons have writers.

It’s hard not to look at animation and see solutions to problems in RL. The Animaniacs (well, the Warner Brothers and their sister Dot) had Saddam’s number years ago. [possibly their “Special Friend.” The Army peeps who dragged him out of his hole probably were thinking “faboo....”]

Perhaps it’s this Eighties Kid thinking again. See evil, stomp evil. Islam is BLACK GHOST. [a tacky Cyborg 009 reference.]

You see, I was a kid when Reagan was president of the US, nearing adolescence when Bush I was the president, and a teenager proper when Bill Clinton “played the sax”, bankrolled the Road Rovers (wait--that WAS a cartoon :D), and shut down the Charleston Naval Base, effectively killing most of North Charleston’s productivity in an effort to gut the military we thought we’d never need again. Because (minus the escalating terror attacks that were blips in my mind) “peace settled across the planet.”

But now, a new evil threatens, and VOLTRON is needed once more. Galaxy Alliance or just GOLION on its own--the Five Lions are needed.

= = =

When I say Islam is EVIL, I don’t mean Muslims are evil. Muslims are human, like myself. We are flawed.

There are several interconnecting ways I perceive this.

1. The Ultimate YuGiOh duel between Good and Evil. Yugi, Jouno, and Kaiba against the Big Five hijacking the Pope’s body (instead of Honda’s).

Well, something along those lines. I’m not even sure Yugi and the crew are ready to duel; because of Vietnam.

Hear me now, and see Soundwave next Tuesday: I’m too YOUNG to remember Vietnam. I don’t CARE about Vietnam. I was born in 1976, 200 years after the DoI was framed. [and when that was framed, the Founding Fathers didn’t include Secretary Condi, Secretary Colin, “Reverend” Jesse, or Administrative Specialist II me. but I’ll touch on that point later.]

2. The Marketplace of Ideas. ISLAM is a lousy incoming Monopoly that must be stopped. It robs the human mind of kindness, humor, and common sense.

Think about it. The Jews revere Isaac, which means laughter. The Muslims venerate Ishmael, which means the son of affliction. I like laughter. ISLAM does not laugh, and frowns upon smiling. Even Sesshoumaru smiles.

As the economic disciples of Adam Smith, we have to either open the market to other products or destroy the foul product.

Let’s consider ISLAM.

Good points:

1. Prayer five times a day.
2. No foot binding.

Lousy points:

1. The founder is a misogynistic pedophile.
2. Domestic converts are usually culled from prison.
3. GIRLS have their genitalia mutilated.
4. Contrary to the Ramadan episode of the Proud Family (which relates to the blaxploit point I will make later), hijab and other female obscurants are not worn “by choice” outside the US. [I do note that Penny “chose” to eschew the hijab. good girl.]
5. The whole operation is shrouded in secrecy.
6. Unhealthy obsession with death, reminiscent of the Japanese in WW2.
7. All of this “spirituality” masks an afterlife that satiates temporal need.
8. The combination of 6 and 7 means that Yokel Abu can kill Haim Saban in cold blood by detonating himself at the latter’s (young relative’s) bar/bat mitzvah, guaranteeing Abu a place in seventh heaven--a place of raisins/virgins.
9. Related to #4 - the robes Muslim women MUST wear make them look like the Imperial Spies of Coruscant. [hence the reason why the Emperor(SW), Lord Sidious, would want Islam destroyed: copyright infringement laws are nasty on Sith.]
10. Allah seems to be Mohammed’s sock puppet.
11. No matter what Christopher Walken portrayed on TV, Gabriel would never relay messages to people like #1. Did Amnon receive visions from the LORD? Why would the M-HoH change his mind?
12. #1 obviously cribbed from Judaism and Christianity and corrupted the teachings of both.
12+1. This “faith” was the work of one of the PPG’s Big Three Villains, who doesn’t deserve to be named.

Two good versus thirteen lousy. I’m supposed to convert from Christianity to this?

= = =

VOTE DUBYATRON, 2004. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

I do not want to vote for John Kerry. He cannot be president of the local Eltingville Club, let alone my country.

After President Clinton, I mused in 2000, we needed someone normal. Either Dubyatron or Gore would do, I thought. But God had “other” ideas, as he apparently saw 9/11 coming down the pipe. (Because several US administrations didn’t.) Yep. It’s obvious that he rigged the election. After all: his a JEW! [ersatz ominous music] And we all know that the Jewish people secretly rule the world.... [end crappy sarcasm]

Bush (Dubyatron) is human, a fine example of the species. He gets crapped on about as much as Kuwabara does by fangirls....

Speaking of Kuwa, I can imagine my beloved media questioning his actions during the “Rescue Yukina” arc:

“Why did you invade Tarukane’s mansion? What did it have to do with you and your sister? Were you planning to ‘live happily ever after’ with Yukina?”

Kuwabara would probably scream at them to quit asking stupid questions (or punch their lights out), so I have to field these:

1. “Taru-chan” was holding Yukina hostage, forcing her to cry to produce hiruiseki. He had to be stopped, or else Hiei would have killed him anyway.

2. Kazuma has no problem being impulsively heroic, and a REFRESHINGLY healthy affection for pretty females, yaoi fanfic notwithstanding.

3. Considering he was fourteen at the time, if by that you mean “convince her to take him on as a boyfriend”, perhaps. But that was a moot point, as Yukina headed home shortly after the end of the arc. No time for romance.

I know; my country and all of its trappings are evil, not the Forces of Cobra-LA breathing denunciations of death to civilization beneath the aegis of religion.

But let’s consider this. Two hundred fifty years ago, people rode on horses, wrote letters on parchment, lit their way with candles, and allowed small groups of people to dictate the tempo of world affairs.

Suddenly, one of those cabals decided that oligarchy sucked, and took steps to change all that in the New World. The result: everything from bifocal eyeglasses to the blogosphere.

Another angle. Is Toonami a Failed Experiment?

Toonami is Cartoon Network’s most interesting product. Not only for the shows, which were the main attraction, but for the way the block’s producers hyped the shows--and the block itself.

Now, let’s change things a bit.

America is civilization’s most intriguing experiment. Not for being a democracy and a republic, as Greece and Rome had those honors, but for defending all human freedom--at home and abroad.

Before Toonami, cartoons weren’t treated with honor. Anime was aired at lousy time slots. And why? Because Trix was “for kids”.

Likewise, before America, power was centralized to the elite few, making life lousy for all--especially the Jews. With little variation, people lived with candlelight and letters. And why? Because the Enlightenment was pixie dust to all but the elite.

But Toonami and America made the impossible [and the Impossibles] possible.

In less than 250 years, we have neared the age of the Jetsons. All because of America.

Now, if we were to simply leave the planet, we’d have to take much of our developments with us. Would the world really be a better place without America?

Or, is America “a failed experiment”?

= = =

The Souls of Black Folk.

What is wrong with said souls? Why is it hard to judge by the content of someone’s character, but easy to attribute all good to people of the same color?

Isn’t that what we fought, bled, and died for?

Truthfully, we’re just letting it slip away. I, as a “black person”--or better yet, as Ward Connelly calls himself, an AMERICAN[by this I mean a citizen proper of the United States]--want the good doctor’s memory preserved in a real way.

The only way we can do that, though, is to...quit hating white people for being white and successful. As a Christian, that’s not allowed. [Christians aren’t supposed to “player-hate”. We should be HAPPY for successful people.]

A rational reason: More than likely, the person worked hard to succeed in his/her field. Don’t hate; congratulate.

A holistic reason: Lowers stress. Stress kills. Death from stress via bitterness and jealousy is just plain stupid.

Our “leaders” are failing us in important issues, so they prefer to either foment hate over minor things like what anal-retentive, racist thing was said by an old white guy fifty years ago; or what offends “us” as a race. Or the eternally-execrable Rebel Flag issue in SC.

I’m a member of this “race”. I want to tell you what offends me.

Why aren’t we doing for the Sudanese Christians what we did for the South Africans?

(or what we tried to do, if you believe Kim du Toit. He may very well be right about Africa the continent, but the “wussification” of Western men based on a Cheerios commercial? If that pisses him off, this trend he refers to may be permanent. yet what do I know--I’m just a black woman, for lack of a non-invasive descriptor that doesn’t lump me in with a racial clique.)

Why are we hating Dubyatron again? Why are we even depending on our government to “support us” in the first place?

Why do we complain about white Americans having better education and prestige in the world while begging them for scraps. Wait, scratch that--demanding scraps.

Why do we curse out prominent blacks who point this out--sometimes simply by doing their jobs. [colin, condi....]

I think JC Watts comes off as a fool. But Senator Charlie IS a “fish-eyed fool”, as LaWanda Page would have said on Sanford & Son. As is another idiot representing NYC, who said something about America not being “his country”.

To the second nut, Danny Glover[since you learned how to read, why didn’t you expand your library!?], Harry Belafonte, and the ENTIRE Nation of Islam: please LEAVE. No one’s stopping you, no one will miss you. Go to Cuba. Live with Fidel a few decades, and you can send letters to Ebony about your time there.

Or perhaps the Sudan. If you live long enough, you can send us photos of your battered, emaciated body taken by Lerone Bennett to Jet.

A note to Kareem, legendary Laker: “Abdul” is a stupid name change. It does mean black in Arabic, but “abd” and its alt modes are synonyms for slave. If I were a recent convert to African-American Apostate Civil Rights Islam, I would never reject “Janell Lanissa Clark” [the purported “slave name”] for a REAL slave name. I would have stuck with Hakim(a character you played in a Bruce Lee film)--were I a guy.

A woman would have to be crazy or abused to join Islam in any form. But I didn’t need 9/11 to tell me this--Sharazad Ali’s idiotic book revealed that years ago.[my aunt, for some odd reason, had the “Blackman’s Guide to the Blackwoman”. The book did have an honest tag line(read it before she does)...and In Living Color had the best punchline--literally!

Activating the GAYDAR.

On homosexual marriage: AGAIN!? Let this tired, inconsequential issue die! Brent Spiner and George Takei will marry outside of Massachusetts when the Bible can be pried out of Billy Graham’s cold, dead fingers. And the fingers of every three-bit televangelist in the US. And the local preachers throughout.

Hetero Christians have compassion, tolerance, and patience. Patience--a great virtue, BTW--is however, limited. And the homos--Christian and secular--are wearing the patience thin.

Let me tell you a secret. God will not smite you with lightning. God will probably not smite you at all. You are smiting yourselves with these selfish efforts to hijack our faith and force it to accept acts our holy writ Does Not Accept.

Bemoaning the ACLU....

Most of the secularists in that organization aren’t against religion at all. They just hate the Protestants, evangelicals, Western Roman and Greek Orthodox Catholics, and other assorted Christians. Oh, and the Jews.

To them, the Holy Bible is the source of all EVIL. But they’re wrong. The Holy Bible is holy indeed--because it tells the truth.

I know the Book of Books is true because of John the Baptist. And many other rightly respected biblical heroes. Because the obligation of carrying out a holy duty should make honest men humble. John the Baptist--Jesus’ cousin--didn’t even take credit for being the Messiah, which would have given John great power and prestige. Rather, he basically said: “I’m not the One--I’m just telling you to prepare for him.”

It’d be the equivalent of a local stand-up comic, after delivering a great routine, telling the audience that he was just the opening act for Jim Carrey.

It’s sad that the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union doesn’t seem to note how much people admire the noble men and women in the Holy Bible. Most of the Deists who founded this country respected Christianity for what it was: a check and balance amid many checks and balances. Americans value hard work and honesty.

[not all of the people in said holy writ were noble--in fact, most weren’t noble at all. and even the noble ones succumbed to wickedness. that is simply the dilemma of being human. most of us strive to do good, but our own selfish desires get in the way. everything, including selfishness, has its purpose in life. but you can’t put self-gratification as the center of your universe, or you won’t be truly happy.]

But that leads to my next topic.

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